In this 2-day certificate session, learn to complete a Dust Hazard Analysis for your organization to meet the requirements of NFPA 652 and to help prepare for the anticipated updates to the OHS Regulation for B.C. businesses that handle or generate potentially combustible dusts.
We are offering this updated training in Kelowna to address the much wider need across all sectors with the new combustible dust regulation expected later this year.
Attend the full 2-day, 16-hour certificate course (regularly $1200) at a significantly discounted Make It Safe rate ($499 for members and $599 for non-members). This special ticket also includes bonus access to Make It Safe Online Oct 29-30.
In this comprehensive two-day certificate course, you will learn:
Co-located at the same venue as Make It Safe, this is a separate ticket and not a part of the conference. Coffee and lunch are provided both days. Because both events will be at the same venue, on Day 2 of the course, you may also join conference attendees for lunch in trade show area at no extra charge.
Unlike regular conference sessions, this 16-hour certificate course may be eligible for funding through the B.C. Training Grant. To avoid confusion about the nature of the course, in your grant application, we recommend that you reference the full course description on the Manufacturing Safety Alliance of BC website:
If you have questions on the Training Grant application process, please contact the Manufacturing Safety Alliance of BC office for assistance.