Reimagining Safety Training in Virtual Reality
Leveraging Immersive Technology to Make Training More Engaging—and More Effective
Oct 13, 2023
09:00 - 09:45 AM PDT
Session Format

Studies show that immersive training through virtual or augmented reality (VR/AR) not only reduces training time by more than 40 percent, but also improves retention and learning effectiveness by 75 percent. Employees enjoy it more, learn faster—and more safely—and remember what they’ve learned.

For a Canadian manufacturer with a global footprint, extended reality training solutions are driving performance, efficiency, and above all, safety.

In this interactive interview with global injection molding leader Husky Technologies and virtual reality gaming and training developer Dapphaus, see firsthand how an immersive learning environment can transform your safety and operational training and performance. See how new extended reality training tools have allowed Husky to standardize and scale world-class training for their service technicians around the world. Find out how their focus on ensuring the safety of team members customer sites guides the approach of this Canadian manufacturer with a global footprint. 

Featured Speakers

Founder and Former CEO
Manufacturing Safety Alliance of BC
E2E Ops Value Stream Manager
Husky Technologies
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