Safety Self-Awareness
Oct 30, 2024
10:00 - 10:30 AM PDT
Session Format
Expert Session

Everyone knows we have an IQ. Some people know we have an EQ, which measures emotional intelligence. But did you know we all have a built-in intelligence around Risk? This presentation focuses on the link between personality and risk tolerance due to each person’s innate safety intelligence (SQ™). These are our natural “default settings” of being Impulsive vs. Cautious, Distractible vs. Focused, Defiant vs. Compliant, and more.

Studies show that up to 95% of incidents are caused by human error—not equipment failure, lack of standard operating procedures, or improper training. Progressive leaders are looking at the human factor in the safety equation. However, unlike some other behavioral-based safety concepts which focus on observing current behaviors, and "blaming the worker," Greg will present innovative research showing how one can predict future behaviors using proven social science in the field of psychometrics.

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