Dave Smith CRSP
Speaker Bio
Cobot Safety
Owner and Lead Trainer
  • Canadian Registered Safety Professional (CRSP)
  • TUV Functional Safety Tech
  • Extensive experience & expertise in the area of machine safeguarding, risk assessment, control of hazardous energy and industrial robot safety
  • 32 years practical experience in the automotive industry

Long standing, technical committee member of the following National and International safety standards.

Canadian Standards Association (CSA)

  •  Z432 Safeguarding of Machinery
  •  Z434 Industrial Robots and Robot Systems —General Safety Requirements
  •  Z460 Lockout and Other Control Methods

International Standards Organization (ISO)

 ISO 10218 : 2011 Robots for industrial environments —Safety requirements- Parts 1 and 2
 ISO TS 15066-2016 10218 : Robots and robotic devices – Collaborative Robots


Collaborative robots, or cobots, are changing the way traditional manufacturing operations work—and can be a significant tool in eliminating hazardous and repetitive tasks that put workers at greater risk of injury. But implementing a collaborative also changes the risk profile for the workspace and jobs they are designed to assist. Risk assessment is a critical […]
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