Michael Simone
Speaker Bio
Puratos Canada

Michael attributes his passion for food and manufacturing to his early years spent growing up in a bakery. He has more than twenty years of professional experience leading Distribution (logistics) and Warehouse Teams and transforming mindsets and culture to achieve health and safety excellence and build high-performance teams. He is currently serving as President of Puratos Canada, a global food manufacturer with locations in more than 100 countries. Puratos is committed to health and safety as its number one goal. Michael has held many positions within the company including field sales, management, and leadership. He is currently responsible for the Canadian business, which has 200+ employees and two manufacturing sites in Chilliwack, British Columbia, and Mississauga, Ontario.

Michael's skillset, experience, and passion for employee development, health and safety, and high-performance teams are assets to the board of the Manufacturing Safety Alliance of BC. The organization benefits from his knowledge and experiences and his extensive international business network. Michael’s vision for Puratos Canada is to be the safest and best place to work and grow in Canada.


Walking into a company where safety is ingrained in the organization from the ground floor to the leadership suite, it doesn’t take long to see and hear the impact. It’s the kind of organizational culture where everyone has bought into the vision—where everyone feels valued and valuable. And it starts with leaders. But what happens […]
What is the impact of a worker shortage on your team’s health, safety, and culture—and on your performance targets? How do you redefine your priorities to stay ahead of the pressures on your team—to support employees, keep them engaged, and still ensure you’re taking the steps to meet your targets?  In this keynote panel, learn […]
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