Manufacturing Safety Alliance of BC
Nominations Committee
The role of the Nominations Committee is to lead the process for identifying and making recommendations to the Board on candidates for nomination as potential members of the Manufacturing Safety Alliance of BC Board and/or committees. The Nominations Committee will be responsible for identifying both Business and Association classification nomination candidates. The Nominations Committee is also responsible for recommending candidates to the BC Safety Charter Steering Committee using the existing criteria established for committee selection within the Alliance governance framework with the exception of replacing industry sector with sector diversity within the scope of the selection process.  
Nominations Committee Core Objectives
  • To identify and nominate the highest quality nominees for the Manufacturing Safety Alliance of BC Board, all Manufacturing Safety Alliance of BC Committees and the BC Safety Charter Steering Committee
  • To advance the core mission, values and bylaws of Manufacturing Safety Alliance of BC
  • To gain the trust and respect of all members of the Manufacturing Industry in BC
  • To promote diversity by nominating candidates representing a cross section of:
    • Process/industry *
    • Geography
    • Size (small, medium and large)
    • Classification (business and association members)
    • Skills
    • Experience
    • Age and gender
  • To earn the trust and respect of all sectors of the Manufacturing and Food & Beverage Processing community by acting with fairness and integrity, and by providing transparency of objectives, criteria, procedures, and mechanisms for receiving input, while respecting candidates’ privacy and maintaining the confidentiality that is necessary to assure open and frank communication

*Industry/Sector (BC Safety Charter Steering Committee)

Nominations Committee Membership

The Committee shall consist of the Board Chair, the Chief Executive Officer and at least three members appointed by the Board. The majority of its members shall be Board appointed members who are deemed by the Board to be independent of management.

At least one member of the Committee should retain expertise in:

  • Occupational Health & Safety

In addition one member should have experience in:

  • Human Resources recruiting

The Chair of the Board shall chair the Committee except when it is dealing with the appointment of a successor. In this instance the Secretary-Treasurer will be invited to chair the Committee.

The Committee will operate with a quorum of three, the majority of whom shall be independent Board appointed members. The Committee will have a recording secretary at all meetings. The Committee should use consensus where possible to make decisions but in the event that consensus cannot be reached the issue shall be determined by a majority vote of the committee members present. Non-members may be invited by the Committee to attend meetings but no person other than the members of the Committee is entitled to be present.

The Committee is a standing committee of the Board as approved within the Bylaws. Committee members serve an initial two year term; they may be reappointed to the Committee for a maximum of three terms.

Nominations Committee Meetings

The Committee will meet when required to facilitate the process of identifying, pursuing, interviewing and selecting the most qualified nominee(s) for election to the Board and Board committees.

To accomplish this objective the Committee should meet at least 4 times per year. (Note: the Review and the Recruiting meeting may be combined.)

  • Review meeting – board and committee evaluation, board and committee composition, policy recommendations
  • Recruiting meeting – discussion on pre-selection criteria and potential candidate identification
  • Interview and selection meeting(s)

Recommendations to the Board on nominations for board/committee candidates

Interview Procedures

The Committee reviews the procedures that will be used during the selection meetings. This includes reviewing details of the procedures to be followed for interviewing and discussing candidates, and selecting nominees. There are no minimum requirements in regards to the number of nominations for each vacancy.

Nominee Selection Process

The Committee will complete deliberations following each interview and vote on the nominees at the end of the interview session. The nominees selected by the Committee will be forwarded to the Board to review the potential candidates and accept or refuse the recommendations from the Nominations Committee.

Nominations Committee Reports and Minutes

All meetings will be duly recorded and minutes drafted by the Committee Secretary. The minutes will be circulated to the Committee members before a final copy is submitted to the Board.

The Committee will prepare an annual report to the Board that will include the following:

  • Board Nominees
  • Recommendations on policy amendments in regards to the terms of reference for each committee and/or Board governance
  • Recommendations on the composition of each committee within the Manufacturing Safety Alliance of BC
  • Recommendations and comments on the structure, size and composition of the Board
  • Recommendations on the proposals received for changes in responsibilities of Board members and committees
  • Recommendations concerning the continuation in office of any Director, if applicable

The report will be presented by the Board Chair.

The Chair will also ensure that on appointment to the Board, directors receive a formal letter of appointment clearly setting out what is expected of them in terms of time commitment, committee service and involvement outside Board meetings and that they undergo an appropriate induction process.

Nominations Committee Member Functions

The Chair of the Nominations Committee directs the activities and presides over all meetings of the Committee. If the Chair is unable to attend the meeting, the most senior committee member present is required to assume the responsibilities of the Chair.

The Secretary is a staff position provided by the Manufacturing Safety Alliance of BC. He/she is responsible for all business aspects of the Committee.

Board Vacancies that occur after the Manufacturing Safety Alliance of BC Annual General Meeting (AGM)

If a position becomes vacant at any time after the AGM has taken place, the Committee can recommend the appointment of a replacement following due process. This process includes the following steps:

  • Applicant(s) meets the pre-selection criteria for the position
  • Applicant(s) is selected for interview and confirms he/she is willing to serve on the Board as per Board responsibilities (outlined in the Governance policy)
  • Applicant(s) is interviewed according to the process outlined by the Committee for candidates
  • Committee votes on the potential candidates
  • Recommended candidate(s) forwarded to the Board for approval and appointment
Annual Review of Nominations Committee Terms of Reference

The Committee shall review its performance and terms of reference at least once a year to ensure that it is operating at maximum effectiveness and recommend any changes required to the Board for approval.

Committee Nominations Form
Contact Information
Interests and experience
I'm interested in serving on:
MSABC evaluates candidates based on the knowledge, skills and experience that they bring to the Board. In our commitment to reflecting community diversity on our Board, we encourage applicants from equity-deserving groups to apply (including Indigenous persons, people of colour, persons with disabilities, persons of minority sexual orientations, gender identities, and others.
For the purpose of fostering accountability in our recruitment practices, do you identify as: