Manufacturing Safety Alliance of BC
A sample of an acknowledgement letter for supervisors.
To limit the transmission of viral diseases, such as COVID-19, cleaning protocols should be used to clean and disinfect common contact surfaces within the workplace.
A training matrix is used to keep track of who has been trained.
This template is presented in coordination with an April 7, 2020 webinar on Exposure Control Plans. It is intended to support the development of a site-specific biological exposure control plan.
All employees must wash their hands with soap and water (or alcohol-based sanitizer) regularly. At a minimum, employees must wash their hands in the following scenarios.
Your health and safety policy helps support your occupational health and safety program. Your policy would reflect the unique needs of your workplace. Aim to review and update your policy regularly.
Employees should always consider alternatives to travel e.g. teleconferences, video conferences, etc. When travel is deemed necessary, whether it be work-related or for personal reasons, employees are expected to follow procedures to limit the spread of any viral diseases in the workplace.
This guide will provide information to employees about the symptoms of COVID-19, reporting symptoms at work, and determining return-to-work readiness.
A risk assessment should be completed to determine the controls required for protecting workers against hazards in the workplace. This also applies to COVID-19.
This sample policy provides you with the basics to create a mandatory mask policy. [Excerpt] In response to the Public Health Office orders, a mandatory mask policy is now in effect at [Company Name]. A mask will now be required in the workplace, where physical distancing is not possible.
All workplaces have a legal obligation under the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation (sections 3.3, 5.54 & 9.9) to carry out a risk assessment on their work activities with the aim of clearly identifying significant hazards that workers and other people on-site might be exposed to. This template has been developed as a starting point […]
This health and safety policy template has been developed as a starting point and must be customized with your company-specific information. Ensure that your wording reflects the intent and commitment to implement what is described.
Customize this template to create your own safe work procedure documentation.
This template has been developed as a starting point and must be customized with company-specific information. Ensure wording reflects the intent and commitment to implement what is described.
Use this training matrix template to keep track of your health and safety training.
This template has been developed as a starting point and must be customized with company-specific information. Ensure wording reflects the intent and commitment to implement what is described. Regular workplace inspections and hazard reporting are effective ways to identify and address workplace hazards that have the potential of causing injury or illness.
If a worker is working alone or in an isolated area, they should be monitored regularly. Depending on the risk level of their location, it can be hourly, every few hours, or at start and end of task.
The following items should be added to your workplace inspection checklist to ensure that controls for COVID-19 stay effective.
A template employers can use to create their site/company specific safety program.