Manufacturing Safety Alliance of BC
Navigating BC OHS Legislation Training

Navigating BC OHS Legislation

Do you know which OHS Regulations apply to your business and place of work? Have you been asked to look up an OHS Regulation to see if it applies to your facility? Are you aware that OHS regulations are reviewed and updated regularly?

As new or experienced safety committee members, managers, or supervisors, it is important to fully understand and know which OHS regulations are related to your work and how you may be in compliance—or not.

This 45-minutes self-paced course is perfect for anyone working within a manufacturing or food processing facility who may need to consult legislation—for the performance of their job or to help ensure their company is in compliance. This is an introductory course to help you identify and find legislation related to your needs.

Goals and Objectives

By the end of this course, you should be able to:

  • Explain administrative law and the legal obligations related to it.
  • Distinguish between the various legal documents that make up OHS legislation in BC.
  • Explore how to search for and find information in the legislation.
  • Demonstrate how to find the legislation you need.
  • Administrative law and legal obligations
  • OHS legislation documents
  • Search for and find information in the legislation

Anyone who is interested in this subject may take this course. However, this course is intended to reach a wide audience including managers, supervisors, and JHSC members or safety committee members in the manufacturing sector.

Target Audience

  • Managers
  • Supervisors
  • Joint Health and Safety Committee members
  • Human Resources Staff

Course Length and Format

It should take about 45 minutes to complete this course. Ideally, this course should be completed in one sitting, but it is not required as the platform tracks your progress.

Participants must have access to a laptop/desktop computer or iPad/tablet to attend the training sessions.  A good internet or WIFI connection is essential.


Previous health and safety education and/or experience is an asset but not required.

Assessment and Completion

  • Upon successful completion of all course modules and the written assessment, participants will be awarded a Certificate of Completion.
  • Leaarners will need to complete all 2 course elements (Learning Component and Quiz) to be able to download their Certificate of Completion.

Your training costs may be eligible for partial reimbursement through the B.C. Employer Training Grant. Find out here.

Eligible toward the requirements for Joint Health and Safety Committee training for new members or annual training in British Columbia; may be eligible in other jurisdictions as well.


Register for online Navigating BC OHS Legislation eLearning training online through our Learning Centre. Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and accessible from any computer, laptop, tablet with internet access.

Estimated Time to Complete: .75 hrs

Laptop Computer for eLearning
Register now for only $29 per person.
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