Manufacturing Safety Alliance of BC
Fatigue Management | Introduction Training

Fatigue Management | Introduction

Fatigue is more than feeling tired and drowsy. Work fatigue is mental or physical exhaustion that reduces a person’s ability to work safely and effectively. This course explores fatigue-related risks in manufacturing, factors that influence fatigue, and solutions to mitigate the risks.

Goals and Objectives
  • To learn about workplace fatigue and the importance of being aware of it on the job
  • To understand what contributes to fatigue in an industrial setting
  • To interpret BC Regulations and international practices
  • Understand workplace fatigue and its effect on workers
  • Factors that contribute to fatigue
  • Regulations and standards related to fatigue on the job
  • Signs of fatigue
  • Factors that influence fatigue
  • Impact of fatigue on work-related incidents
  • Risk factors
  • Management of fatigue in the workplace
  • Senior management
  • Managers
  • Supervisors
  • Joint Health and Safety Committee members

Your training costs may be eligible for partial reimbursement through the B.C. Employer Training Grant. Find out here.

Eligible toward the requirements for Joint Health and Safety Committee training for new members or annual training in British Columbia; may be eligible in other jurisdictions as well.


Register for online Fatigue Management | Introduction eLearning training online through our Learning Centre. Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and accessible from any computer, laptop, tablet with internet access.

Estimated Time to Complete: 1.5 hrs

Laptop Computer for eLearning
Register now for only $69 per person.
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