Emergencies can happen whenever and wherever. They can be big or small and happen because of natural disasters, climate change, or human error. In this introductory course, learn about the different types of emergencies that can happen within manufacturing and food processing, and better understand the importance of emergency response plans. This course will help participants understand what they need to do in an emergency.
This course will only be discussing emergencies in a broad sense, along with typical responses. If you need help developing a more tailored response, please contact us for advice.
By the end of this course, the participant should:
This course has been designed for employers, supervisor, workers and Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) members.
This training is structured as an eLearning course using self-paced online components including various practical learning activities in each module. Modules are supported with various resources and samples. It is estimated to require 1.5 hours to complete the training.
Participants must have access to a laptop/desktop computer or iPad/tablet to attend the training sessions. A good internet or WIFI connection is essential.
Previous health and safety education and/or experience is an asset but not required.
There is a 15-question quiz for this course. Upon successful completion of all course modules and the written assessment, participants will be awarded a Certificate of Completion.
Your training costs may be eligible for partial reimbursement through the B.C. Employer Training Grant. Find out here.
Eligible toward the requirements for Joint Health and Safety Committee training for new members or annual training in British Columbia; may be eligible in other jurisdictions as well.Register for online Emergency Response Awareness eLearning training online through our Learning Centre. Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and accessible from any computer, laptop, tablet with internet access.
Estimated Time to Complete: 1.5 hrs