Stuart Hughes

Stuart Hughes

President, IOSH

Head of Safety, Mercedes-AMG Petronas Formula One Team

IOSH president Stuart Hughes is head of health and safety for Mercedes-AMG Petronas Formula One Team. His professional background includes enforcement, consultancy, and industry. A proud chartered member of IOSH and committed volunteer, he brings all his passion for occupational safety and health and experience to promote the societal benefit the OSH profession brings to the world of work. He’s determined to help turn research into practice, to help the profession implement evidence-based action.

As a first-career safety professional, Stuart aims to inspire a future generation of OSH leaders, leveraging OSH as a purpose-driven career that has a positive global impact. Stuart Hughes’s guiding principle for OSH is that a healthy and safe work environment is a fundamental human right. In two decades as an OSH professional, Stuart has focused on ensuring the working environment enables people to thrive and flourish.