302: Demonstrate understanding of risk in the workplace

OHS professionals must possess foundational knowledge about workplace risks. In order for an OHS professional to act as an effective resource, they should demonstrate thorough understanding of the following concepts:

– Difference between hazard and risk
– Risk as a multifaceted concept
– Prioritization of critical risk
– Qualitative and quantitative aspects of risk
– Principles of risk mitigation

In addition, an OHS professional working in the manufacturing sector should demonstrate understanding of and experience with manufacturing-specific risk and knowledge areas. It is important that the OHS professional understands the limits of their own knowledge, and recognizes when it is necessary to bring in additional expertise.



References in Other Frameworks


Understand and Remember

– Difference between hazards and risks
– Risk as a multi-faceted concept
– Prioritization of critical risk
– Qualitative and quantitative aspects of risk
– Types of risk relevant to the sector (manufacturing, construction, retail, etc.)

Apply and Analyze

– Effectively communicate about workplace risk
– Provide training to workers, such as:
– Toolbox talks
– One-on-one training
– Group training

Evaluate and Create

– Evaluate worker and leadership understanding of risk in the workplace
– Evaluate effects of organizational changes on risk levels
– Develop training or education materials
– Toolbox talks
– Policy and procedures
– Develop forecasts based on proposed changes
– Evaluate effects of proposed changes on workers and business performance

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Related Units of Competency

301 Demonstrate
Understanding of the psychological aspects of worker safety
303 Identify
Risks and use risk profiling tools

308 Monitor
And develop ongoing risk reporting processes

309 Provide
Recommendations for corrective action with supporting rationale