403: Report incidents

The OHS professional should be able to apply organizational standards to reporting on OHS incidents, including near-misses. In the absence of organization standards, OHS professionals should be able to apply knowledge of relevant professional and legal standards to write reports without organizational guidance. This includes the ability to appropriately categorize incidents, assess their severity, and their implications within a specific organizational context. The OHS professional must also be able to provide recommendations for improvement which are commensurate to the risk profile of the organization and appropriate to the organization’s context.



References in Other Frameworks


Understand and Remember

– Relevant legislation, regulations, guidelines and standards that pertain to incident reporting
– How to write incident reports in accordance with pre-specified workplace processes

Apply and Analyze

– Write incident reports without pre-specified workplace processes, in accordance to relevant professional and legal standards

Evaluate and Create

– Evaluate existing procedures for incident reporting
– Identify opportunities for improvement
– Identify areas of excellence
– Develop incident reporting procedures or adapt existing procedures in response to a change in workplace context

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Related Units of Competency

401 Demonstrate
Understanding of the legal implications of incident management
402 Identify
The appropriate principles and actions associated with incident management
406 Conduct
Incident investigations and provide recommendations for corrective action