305: Perform inspections

Effective inspections are an important incident prevention tool in a company’s health and safety program. Properly trained inspectors in a systematic inspection program will help reduce incidents, near-misses, and property damage. Competence in this area is a key component of reducing the frequency and severity of incidences. In order to act as an effective resource in their workplace, OHS professionals should be able to conduct inspections from beginning to end, identifying:

– Unsafe processes, acts, and conditions
– Ineffective OHS risk controls and risk management systems
– Improvements to OHS risk control and management systems
– Recognize limitations in performing inspections and when to seek additional expertise



References in Other Frameworks


Understand and Remember

– Relevant legislation, regulations, guidelines and standards that pertain to inspections in the workplace
– Different types of inspections
– Frequency of inspections
– How corrective actions are identified and implemented
– Requirements for maintaining inspection records
– How inspection programs improve safety outcomes

Apply and Analyze

– Perform inspections
– Distinguish between hazards that could be a direct or indirect cause of an incident or near-miss
– Complete inspection reports
– Communicate inspection findings
– Presentation
– Written
– Oral
– Provide recommendations for corrective action
– Monitor corrective action progress

Evaluate and Create

– Evaluate the effectiveness of an existing inspection program
– Identify areas of excellence
– Identify opportunities for improvement
– Develop a new inspection program or adapt in response to changes in the workplace context
– Frequency
– Inspection types
– Compliance with legislation and best practice standards
– Reporting and record keeping
– Provide training for inspections

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Related Units of Competency

301 Demonstrate
Understanding of the psychological aspects of worker safety
303 Identify
Risks and use risk profiling tools

308 Monitor
And develop ongoing risk reporting processes

309 Provide
Recommendations for corrective action with supporting rationale