207: Implement strategies and practices to improve organizational culture and climate

OHS professionals are often required to be responsible for the complete workplace safety culture and climate. The safety culture of a workplace is the set of shared values and beliefs surrounding workplace safety. Safety climate refers to workers’ perceptions of how safety is managed in their workplace through policies, practices, and procedures. Integrating these concepts with regular OHS processes requires an advanced understanding of organizational structures, the role of leadership in a workplace, and methods for improving workplace culture and climate that extend beyond health and safety. In order to act as an effective resource in this area, the OHS professional must be able to work cross-functionally in the organization in departments and projects that may not have a clear relationship to operational health and safety. An OHS professional should demonstrate this competency through a thorough understanding and ability to communicate the following concepts:

– The difference between workplace culture and safety culture
– Organizational structures and hierarchies
– The role of leadership in workplace culture and climate
– How policy is written, implemented, and monitored for compliance



References in Other Frameworks


Understand and Remember

– The difference between workplace safety culture and safety climate
– Implications of legislation and regulation for workplace safety culture
– Concepts involved in the modification of safety culture, such as:
– The relationship between employees and management
– The role of leadership
– The importance of shared corporate values
– Trust within the workplace

Apply and Analyze

– Communicate concepts involved in the modification of safety culture
– Communicate with workers
– Communicate with leaders
– Communicate with unions (if applicable)
– ` safety culture using existing tools
– Interpret and communicate results

Evaluate and Create

– Integrate organizational safety culture goals with existing business goals and strategy
– Evaluate the effectiveness of existing safety culture practices and strategies
– Develop action plans for modifying safety culture
– Develop safety culture continuous quality improvement processes
– Ongoing assessment
– Training
– Goals and action plans
– Develop policy and procedure documents

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Related Units of Competency

201 Demonstrate
Understanding of the Standard for Psychological Health & Safety in the Workplace
202 Demonstrate
Understanding of workplace factors that influence worker well-being
204 Communicate
And apply strategies and practices to improve psychological health and safety in the workplace