306: Develop risk assessment reports

OHS professionals are often responsible for providing ongoing and as-needed reporting on workplace risk. This may include formal reports regarding risk assessments, incident statistics, and project progress. In order to develop these types of reports, an OHS professional demonstrates the effective use of risk-related data (from both internal and external sources), tools for trend analysis, and workplace documentation regarding workplace risk. They must be able to use a range of qualitative and quantitative approaches to assess risk, depending on the type of reporting required.



References in Other Frameworks


Understand and Remember

– Appropriate and necessary information to include in risk assessment reporting
– Formal structure and method for report writing
– Where appropriate data can be located
– Internal
– External

Apply and Analyze

– Apply risk assessment tools
– In response to changes in the workplace context
– As part of an ongoing risk assessment process
– Collect relevant data for risk reporting
– Internal sources
– External sources

Evaluate and Create

– Write a risk assessment report
– Follow formal reporting guidelines, if applicable
– Identify opportunities for improvement
– Identify areas of excellence
– Present a risk assessment report
– Conveying information in an effective manner
– Addressing questions or concerns

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Related Units of Competency

301 Demonstrate
Understanding of the psychological aspects of worker safety
303 Identify
Risks and use risk profiling tools

308 Monitor
And develop ongoing risk reporting processes

309 Provide
Recommendations for corrective action with supporting rationale