610: Demonstrate evidence-based decision making practices

Decision-making is an important aspect of daily OHS operations. OHS professionals need to demonstrate the ability to make decisions on strategic and tactical issues. As they progress within the organization, those decisions become more complex, present higher risk, and are subject to higher levels of scrutiny. The OHS professional will be expected to provide evidence for their decisions and recommendations, demonstrating that appropriate rationale has been applied.



References in Other Frameworks


Understand and Remember

– Sources of data related to OHS process improvements
– Costs
– Benefits
– Cost-benefit analyses
– How to incorporate relevant data and research into project work plans

Apply and Analyze

– Perform independent research
– Locate appropriate expertise and resources
– Conduct a cost-benefit analysis according to existing procedures and guidelines
– Collect evidence and data
– Write reports

Evaluate and Create

– Present research in a formal context
– Communicate findings and rationale to workers and managers
– Evaluate research and recommendations by others

No results found.

Related Units of Competency

601 Demonstrate
Understanding of fundamentals of business administration and operations
602 Demonstrate
Understanding of the intersection between OHS and human resource processes
604 Perform
Information gathering, data analysis, and forecasting
607 Develop
And implement an OHS continuous improvement plan
608 Integrate
Health and safety with corporate social responsibility
611 Identify
And implement methods for risk evaluation and decision making in a business environment