203: Demonstrate understanding of the needs of vulnerable workers

Vulnerable workers are those who are at a disadvantage in the workplace. This disadvantage may be due to a physical or mental disability, or it may be due to power dynamics in a workplace, such as:

– Workers with a supervisor or employer who may not show sufficient regard for safety
– Workers with a disability (visible or invisible)
– Workers of differing backgrounds
– Young or new workers

Different contexts may make a worker vulnerable in one situation who may not be vulnerable in another. By recognizing vulnerable workers, the OHS professional is able to ensure worker safety through intervention, training, or the inclusion of risks and hazards that have been unnecessarily increased in hazard evaluations and reports. In order to act as an effective resource in their workplace, the OHS professional should be able to identify vulnerable workers and the additional controls which may be necessary to mitigate the worker’s risk. This includes adjustments that can be made in the workplace to accommodate workers with disabilities.



References in Other Frameworks


Understand and Remember

– Factors that create vulnerability and protect vulnerable workers:
– Legislated protected statuses and human rights
– Diversity and inclusion
– Disability
– Power dynamics
– Impacts of race, ethnicity, contract-worker status, etc.
– Nature of the employment
– Susceptible to automation, lack of fulfillment, lack of control or autonomy
– Social well-being
– Isolated working, lack of pride in work (Social Identity Theory)

Apply and Analyze

– Identify who in a workplace is most vulnerable to harm
– Provide recommendations for improvement
– Conduct training or needs analysis

Evaluate and Create

– Evaluate procedures for the protection of vulnerable workers which an organization has in place
– Identify opportunities for improvement
– Identify areas of excellence
– Develop new procedures or adapt existing procedures in response to a change in workplace context
– Provide training

No results found.

Related Units of Competency

201 Demonstrate
Understanding of the Standard for Psychological Health & Safety in the Workplace
202 Demonstrate
Understanding of workplace factors that influence worker well-being
204 Communicate
And apply strategies and practices to improve psychological health and safety in the workplace
207 Implement
Strategies and practices to improve organizational culture and climate