608: Integrate health and safety with corporate social responsibility

All workplaces exist in a social context, and organizations often have a degree of corporate responsibility to stakeholders outside of the organization. In the context of OHS, organizations may have safety impacts on surrounding environments or populations. In some workplaces, the OHS professional may be required to evaluate the impact of various policies or strategies in the context of corporate social responsibility. In order to act as an effective resource in this area, the OHS professional should demonstrate understanding of the following concepts:

– How an organization balances its needs as a commercial entity and commitments to external stakeholders
– The impact of businesses on their local environment
– How OHS practices can impact a local population, environment, and organizational reputation



References in Other Frameworks


Understand and Remember

– Shareholder management
– Broader stakeholder management
– Environmental footprint
– Implications to brand and corporate image or reputation

Apply and Analyze

– Communicate effectively and with authority at different stakeholder levels
– Apply considerations for Corporate Social Responsibility in decision making

Evaluate and Create

– Evaluate existing OHS policies, programs or business for considerations with regards to Corporate Social Responsibility
– Develop OHS policies or business plans which integrate health and safety with Corporate Social Responsibility

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Related Units of Competency

601 Demonstrate
Understanding of fundamentals of business administration and operations
602 Demonstrate
Understanding of the intersection between OHS and human resource processes
604 Perform
Information gathering, data analysis, and forecasting
607 Develop
And implement an OHS continuous improvement plan
611 Identify
And implement methods for risk evaluation and decision making in a business environment