101: Demonstrate understanding of hazards in the workplace

The ability to evaluate of hazards and risks is a fundamental skill of the OHS professional. Many hazards and risks are common across different workplaces and sectors of industry, but even the most unique hazards and risks are assessed and controlled following a common set of principles. A general understanding of hazards in the workplace includes methods of hazard identification and analysis, and basic knowledge of hazard-specific legislative requirements.

An OHS professional should demonstrate thorough understanding of the following concepts:

– Process and task safety analysis methods
– Complex hazard analysis methods
– Knowledge of exposure standards and their application
– Hazard-specific legislation and standards

In the context of job-specific hazards an OHS professional should be aware of:

– Basic underpinning science to understand the hazard’s behavior, how it creates risk, how it causes damage, and how it can be controlled
– Mechanisms of damage, injury and health outcomes, including those leading to material unwanted events
– How the hazard occurs in a manufacturing environment
– Risk factors



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Understand and Remember

– Relevant legislation, regulations, guidelines and standards that pertain to workplace hazards
– Primary types of hazards:
– Physical
– Ergonomic
– Chemical
– Biological
– Psychological
– The purpose and process of a job safety analysis
– Hazard analysis methods such as:
– Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
– Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP)
– Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)
– Bowtie Analysis

Apply and Analyze

– Communicate the purpose Job Safety Analyses
– Communicate examples of the primary classifications of hazards
– Communicate the purpose of and process of a hazard analysis methods
– Conduct a job safety analysis
– Research and gather information from appropriate sources on hazard-specific legislation, regulation, and exposure standards
– Identify hazards and risk factors in the workplace

Evaluate and Create

– Explain the process of job safety analyses
– Evaluate the quality and completeness of existing Job Safety Analyses
– Identify areas of excellence
– Identify opportunities for improvement
– Develop job safety analysis processes for a workplace
– Develop hazard analysis processes for a specific workplace context using methods, such as:
– Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
– Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP)
– Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)
– Bowtie Analysis

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Related Units of Competency

102 Demonstrate
Understanding of models of incident causation and their application

103 Demonstrate
Understanding of hazard control principles and their application

104 Demonstrate
Understanding of environmental aspects of business processes