Occupational Safety Standard of Excellence

Your questions about OSSE certification or re-certification during the COVID-19 pandemic answered.

Occupational Safety Standard of Excellence Seal

Many employers have communicated their OSSE concerns in relation with COVID-19. As a certifying partner (CP), we have been working closely with WorkSafeBC in getting answers on how to remain safe and trying to work around COVID-19.

According to WorkSafeBC, all net “new” 2020 COR employer certifications need to follow current, normal processes and requirements. If that is not possible, these employers must defer pursuing COR certification until the requirements can be satisfied.

Many employers have communicated their OSSE concerns in relation to COVID-19. As a certifying partner (CP), we have been working closely with WorkSafeBC in getting answers on how to remain safe and trying to work around COVID-19.

According to WorkSafeBC: Due to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak, WorkSafeBC is granting COR audit waivers on any COR certificates that are due to expire by August 31, 2020. Employers will need to contact their certifying partner (CP) to request an audit waiver. Visit https://www.worksafebc.com/en/about-us/covid-19-updates

Many employers have communicated their OSSE concerns in relation with COVID-19. As a certifying partner (CP), we have been working closely with WorkSafeBC in getting answers on how to remain safe and trying to work around COVID-19.

According to WorkSafeBC: As per our policy, an employer with a valid COR is eligible to receive a financial incentive for each year they hold a COR and where none of the exceptions to COR financial incentive eligibility apply. Employers approved by WorkSafeBC and provided one-year certifications under the waiver program will be considered to have valid certificates for 2020. As such, they will be considered for a 2020 financial incentive in May of 2021.

Many employers have communicated their OSSE concerns in relation to COVID-19. As a certifying partner (CP), we have been working closely with WorkSafeBC in getting answers on how to remain safe and trying to work around COVID-19.

WorkSafeBC reply: All audits that are underway should follow good hygiene practices (i.e. social/physical distancing during interviews) and continue as normally as possible. We understand that some employers are scaling back operations, or changing their current work process flows, and as such, auditors need to be flexible in their ability to observe and conduct interviews. Document reviews should not be affected as directive documents and records should still be available.

Many employers have communicated their OSSE concerns in relation with COVID-19. As a certifying partner (CP), we have been working closely with WorkSafeBC in getting answers on how to remain safe and trying to work around COVID-19.

According to WorkSafeBC, audits for employers with COR certifications expiring between September 1, 2020, and December 31, 2020, while we are sensitive to the concern that employers may not be in ‘normal operating mode’ (NOM), or may not be operating in the latter half of the year, we are intending on moving forward with the program as normal for those certificates expiring after September 1, 2020.

We will be reviewing the COVID-19 outbreak over the summer and if there are continuing or additional restrictions we may extend the waiver program or take other action.

According to WorkSafeBC's The Certificate of Recognition Program: Standards and Guidelines, page 36:

We recognize that employers may not be in NOM currently. Maintenance audits can be performed at any time of the year, and our S&G requires that they are completed prior to December 31. Therefore, employers have until the end of the year to complete their maintenance audit.

Please keep in mind, however, that the Manufacturing Safety Alliance of BC is now forecasting a backlog of audits in Q3 and Q4. Therefore, we recommend that employers try to work with their normal anniversary date for the maintenance audit. If this is not possible, please contact the OSSE Department to discuss a time-frame for your maintenance audit that will be suitable to both parties to ensure a timely QA process.