Member Exclusive

Employee Benefits Co-Op

Employee wellness is a vital factor in keeping teams healthy and safe at work.

An effective benefits program supports employee wellbeing and long term retention. From health and dental to mental health and disability support, employees place high value on the quality of your benefits plan.

In fact, benefits are the #1 factor in employee retention and after salary, the top consideration for new hires. (Predictive Index survey). That’s the reason behind this exclusive group co-operative plan for members. 

Together, we can all have the same affordable access to comprehensive employee benefits. Reach out today to find out how this plan can help you attract and retain good people—and strengthen your health and safety performance.

Collective buying power means better benefits—for less

We have all experienced the rising cost of benefits, while the value to our employees keeps shrinking with inflation.

Together, we can reverse that trend.

This unique program leverages the buying power of our collective member employee base to secure better, more comprehensive benefits for all of us—for less. 

With this unique group benefits co-operative, you gain:

  1. Immediate savings (10-15% on average) and rate stability year over year
  2. Surplus refunds when your premiums exceed your claim costs
  3. Plus a unique EAP with dedicated concierge service for mental health and fast-tracked disability recovery and return to work

"We’ve been able to provide a plan that is better for our employees while providing savings to the company."


Better benefits at sustainable savings

Typical savings include an immediate 10-15% on the cost of your benefits plan—PLUS an additional refund at the end of each year. 

Apply the savings to your bottom line, or reinvest it to increase the net benefit to your employees, driving improved employee satisfaction and retention.

Concierge service for mental health and return to work

Dedicated concierge service means personal attention for each employee, giving their well-being priority.

On top of that, this plan makes no restrictions to the number of mental health practitioner visits if care is needed—online or in person. 

Fast-tracked recovery

For disability management, proactive service creates a path to recovery—fast-tracking support with immediate care from the instant of a disability claim:

  • recommending accommodations, and
  • negotiating to get employees back to work as quickly as safely possible.

Group Benefits Co-operative for Alliance Members

Compare costs and options

Request a quote here to see how much you will save…and what added benefits you can offer your employees through the Advantage Plan. Or call 1-833-546-7222 for details.

Not a member yet? Ask how you can wrap the membership fee into your savings—and get access to more!

"Balances the financial realities of the company with a caring attitude for employees. A win-win for everyone."

Download a brochure for more information

We developed this plan to support our own team with enhanced benefits we have never seen anywhere else—and at a lower cost.

Now, we are leveraging our collective strength in numbers to offer every Alliance member access to the same savings and concierge service.