Knowledge Base

What if drivers come in first thing in the morning and then leave to sites immediately for the day, how would this impact our class category?

All workers who regularly attend a workplace must be included in the worker count for that workplace, even if they are on-site only briefly.

When determining the minimum first aid requirements for a workplace, employers should count dispatched or transient workers as follows:

  • Count as one worker each dispatched worker who stays within 10 minutes’ surface travel time from the workplace for more than 50% of the shift.
  • Count one-quarter of the number of workers who travel more than 10 minutes’ surface travel time from the workplace more than 50% of the shift.
  • Pro-rate the number of transient workers based on an estimation of the time they attend the workplace. For example, if a warehouse has eight loading bays that are serviced by a fleet of delivery trucks throughout the day, the employer may determine that it is reasonable to include an additional eight workers for the purpose of determining first aid requirements at the warehouse, if that is the maximum number of delivery drivers that are likely to be at the workplace at any given time.

Separate first aid assessment(s) are required for dispatched workers when they are not present at the central location.
