Knowledge Base

In the new regulation, one basic level first aider and one intermediate first aider are required to be on site during one shift. Do they have the equivalent in terms of providing first aid service? My concern will be the basic first aider will rely on the intermediate level as they are better trained (for 2 days).

Some workplaces may require multiple first aid attendants. The purpose of multiple attendants is to ensure adequate response to major incidents and to ensure adequate first aid coverage. When multiple designated attendants are present, the following should be considered and incorporated in the written procedures:

  • In workplaces where first aid attendants have different levels of certification, procedures should state that the designated attendant with the higher certification should be the lead attendant for serious incidents and serious injuries. For minor injuries, any designated attendant may provide care and complete the required documentation. Lower level attendants should consult with the higher level attendant to ensure that the higher level attendant has no additional treatment options to offer the injured worker prior to discharge.
  • For work locations with multiple attendants with the same level of certification, procedures should include instructions on how to determine which attendant will be the lead attendant for major events, serious incidents, or serious injuries (for example, person who has been attendant for longest, first on scene, etc).
  • Where a workplace has multiple first aid attendants, procedures should identify how attendants are to respond (for example, attendants working and responding on different floors of a building). For major events, serious incidents, and serious injuries, all designated attendants should respond, or the employer should develop alternative procedures to ensure sufficient attendants respond to provide optimal first aid treatment to injured workers.