
Ergonomics as a strategy – poster presentation at 2021 World Congress
SEE ERA’S POSTER Dr. Era Poddar MSC, PhD Ergonomics Specialist The 2021 World Congress on Safety and Health (September 20-23, 2021) included a virtual poster exhibition

Beyond the mask – life after the pandemic
by Andrea McKinlay Exploring the psychological experience of taking off our masks. While many of us dream of the day we can step into a mask-less future, the

As the pandemic has forced many businesses to make significant changes to operations and staffing to remain viable, the financial impact has triggered companies with employee retirement and savings plans to make temporary adjustments as part of necessary cost-saving measures. CapriCMW Group Retirement and Pension Specialists have been working with businesses to understand options they can implement while minimizing the effect on employees.

Behaviour-Based Safety – Part 2 | Habits
Previously, we ended on how BBS combined with management’s commitment and direction can gain safety buy-ins throughout the organization. Without management support – especially senior

Behaviour-Based Safety – Part 1 | Rewards and Penalties
by Pourya Ghani, OH&S Technical Advisor We all know that workplace incidents can have serious human and financial costs for organizations. Most workplace injuries involve

In Memory of Elaine Wolfson
With heavy hearts, we learned this week of the passing of partner and friend Elaine Wolfson, following a brief illness. A force in the health