Noise Hazards— Surveys and Testing
There are two different methods that we use to test your facility’s noise levels: Noise Survey and/or Personal Sampling.
- A Noise Survey shows your workers’ noise exposure by workstation and is appropriate when the noise levels are steady and workers’ movement can be followed or accompanied. It is most suitable for production or cyclical tasks when short term noise exposure are same as that for any other part of day. Lex, energy-averaged noise exposure, would be determined around each workstation.
- Personal Sampling is appropriate when worker’s movement cannot be followed or accompanied, or where work pattern may be unpredictable.
Who is this for?
In heavy industrial and manufacturing environments, prolonged exposure to noise can result in noise induced hearing loss. This is permanent and progresses constantly as noise exposure continues month after month and year after year. Annoyance, stress and interference with speech communications may also result from prolonged exposure to excessive noise.
What does it involve?
Step 1: Scoping meeting
First things first, we want to find out your risk level! We call this the scoping meeting. During this step, an advisor will come out to your facility to determine if you have a combination of conditions that put you at risk. Based on your facility, we will advise if you need a Noise Survey, Personal Sampling or a combination of both in order to evaluate the hazard(s).
Step 2: The proposal
The program administrator will send you a service proposal that will outline the costs and deliverables based on the findings from the scoping meeting. Once this proposal is signed and returned, we can book a date for your service(s).
Step 3: The deliverables
We complete a noise survey or sampling as required at your facility. An industrial hygienist advisor sends you an assessment report with noise exposure levels and recommendations and can also provide advice on improving your existing hearing conservation program.
Schedule a Scoping
FREE for Members
If you would like to have a Manufacturing Safety Alliance of BC safety advisor visit your business to assess your Noise Hazard risk level please fill out the following form. We will follow-up with you and schedule a date that works for you.