204: Communicate and apply strategies and practices to improve psychological health and safety in the workplace

An OHS professional is often expected to participate in, or oversee, OHS management systems that promote and protect overall worker well-being. This may include communication of strategies for the application of tools and practices to both the workers and leaders in an organization. Demonstrating strong communication performance in this area, which is often new to employers and employees alike, enables the OHS professional to be a trusted resource and to ensure overall worker well-being.



References in Other Frameworks


Understand and Remember

Key concepts around psychological health and safety in the workplace:
– Importance of and use of appropriate language, such as:
– Person-first or inclusive language
– “Died by suicide” vs “Committed suicide”
– Accident vs Incident
– Stigma reduction and education
– How to relate the content of the Standard for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace to a real-world context

Apply and Analyze

– Apply existing tools and strategies for improvement
– Guarding Minds at Work
– Conduct workplace needs assessments
– Interpret results of existing measurement practices
– Provide toolbox talks to introduce tools, concepts, reduce stigma, healthy practices
– Presentation
– Written
– Oral

Evaluate and Create

– Evaluate existing policies and procedures for implementing a strategy for the improvement of psychological health and safety in the workplace
– Identify areas of excellence
– Identify opportunities for improvement
– Develop policies and procedures for implementing a strategy for the improvement of psychological health and safety in the workplace

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Related Units of Competency

201 Demonstrate
Understanding of the Standard for Psychological Health & Safety in the Workplace
202 Demonstrate
Understanding of workplace factors that influence worker well-being
207 Implement
Strategies and practices to improve organizational culture and climate