Confined space safety is an important aspect of occupational hygiene. A confined space is a fully or partially enclosed space that:
– Is large enough for a person to enter
– Has not been designed or intended for continuous human occupancy
– Has limited or restricted access or egress or has a design that can complicate the ability for first aid, rescue, evacuation or other emergency response activities
– Is susceptible to hazards and represents a risk for the safety and health of those who enter it
It is important that the OHS professional understands the limits of their own knowledge, and recognizes when it is necessary to bring in additional expertise.
In order to act as an effective resource in their workplace, the OHS professional should be familiar with:
– Legislation, regulations, guidelines, and standards that pertain to confined spaces in the workplace
– The definition of, and criteria for, a confined space
– How to identify, assess, control, and manage confined spaces in the workplace