205: Demonstrate ability to respond to OHS-relevant psychology scenarios

The OHS professional is often involved in scenarios which have the potential to be a source of conflict and high-stress. These scenarios include injuries, near-misses, or even workplace deaths. In order to act as an effective resource in these scenarios, an OHS professional should demonstrate thorough understanding of the following concepts:

– Psychobiology (structure and function of the brain and nervous systems, role of endocrine systems in response)
– Cognitive psychology (situation awareness, memory, cognitive biases in decision making)
– Behavioral psychology (learning, conditioning, motivation)
– Communication
– Fatigue and stress



References in Other Frameworks


Understand and Remember

– The psychological impact of traumatic events on individuals from different perspectives:
– Psychobiology (structure and function of the brain and nervous systems, role of endocrine systems in response)
– Cognitive psychology (situation awareness, memory, cognitive biases in decision-making)
– Behavioral psychology (learning, conditioning, motivation)

Apply and Analyze

– Communicative effectively in non-traumatic scenarios
– Respond appropriately to non-traumatic scenarios
– Ask, listen, refer, follow-up
– Make an appropriate referral to internal or external resources
– Conduct an incident review
– Initiate a debriefing process
– Ask, listen, refer, follow-up
– Conduct a training needs analysis
– Provide recommendations for corrective action

Evaluate and Create

– Respond appropriately to traumatic scenarios
– Communicate effectively in traumatic scenarios
– Evaluate traumatic-incident response procedures which an organization has in place
– Identify opportunities for improvement
– Identify areas of excellence
– Develop new traumatic-incident response procedures or adapt existing procedures in response to a change in workplace context
– Evaluate training processes
– Assess rules and procedures with consideration for factors affecting procedural compliance

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Related Units of Competency

201 Demonstrate
Understanding of the Standard for Psychological Health & Safety in the Workplace
202 Demonstrate
Understanding of workplace factors that influence worker well-being
204 Communicate
And apply strategies and practices to improve psychological health and safety in the workplace
207 Implement
Strategies and practices to improve organizational culture and climate