103: Demonstrate understanding of hazard control principles and their application

All organizations have hazards present in the workplace. It is the responsibility of the employer to ensure that these hazards are adequately controlled, and often requires the expertise of an OHS professional who understands the steps needed to protect workers from hazards, necessary training programs, and hazard monitoring systems. In order for an OHS professional to act as an effective resource, they must demonstrate thorough understanding of hazard control principles and their application in a variety of contexts. This includes demonstrating understanding of:

– Hierarchies of control, barriers and defenses, critical controls, requisite variety of controls
– Inherent safety and engineered safe design
– Time sequence of pre-event, event and post event and relevant control and intervention points
– Criteria for critical controls and principles of critical control management



References in Other Frameworks


Understand and Remember

– The hierarchy of controls:
1) Elimination
2) Substitution
3) Engineering controls
4) Administrative controls
5) Personal protective equipment (PPE)
– The implementation of different control types
– Inherent safety and engineered safe design
– Time sequence of pre-event, event and post event and relevant control and intervention points
– Criteria for critical controls and principles of critical control management
– How control systems should be evaluated on an ongoing basis

Apply and Analyze

– Apply and maintain existing hazard controls and processes
– Provide training to workers regarding hazards and controls

Evaluate and Create

– Evaluate workforce understanding of hazards and controls
– Develop controls for identified workplace hazards
– Evaluate effectiveness of controls and modify controls from analysis
– Develop training for workplace specific hazards and controls
– Monitor and evaluate effectiveness of training through monitoring and modify for improvement

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102 Demonstrate
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104 Demonstrate
Understanding of environmental aspects of business processes