301: Demonstrate understanding of the psychological aspects of worker safety

Psychological hazards are a potential source of harm to workers in the same way as physical hazards. In order for a workplace to promote psychological health and safety, it is important to provide programs and resources that educate workers and leaders and provide avenues for support. This active work is necessary to prevent harm to worker psychological health. In order for an OHS professional to be an effective resource in this area, they should demonstrate thorough understanding of the following:

– Legislative requirements and best practice standards regarding psychological health and safety
– Risk factors associated with psychological hazards in the workplace
– Workplace factors that impact psychological health & safety
– Impact of psychological health on worker overall health
– Impact of psychological health on organizational performance



References in Other Frameworks


Understand and Remember

– Relevant legislation, regulations, guidelines and standards that pertain to psychological health and safety
– Types of psychological hazards in the workplace, such as:
– Workload related stress
– Fatigue
– Bullying and harassment
– Aggression
– Violence at work
– Workplace factors that impact worker health

Apply and Analyze

– Communicate the:
– Different types of psychological hazards in the workplace
– Impact of psychological health on worker overall health
– Impact of psychological health on organizational performance
– Provide training to workers

Evaluate and Create

– Evaluate the degree of understanding of an organization with respect to psychological health and safety
– Identify areas of excellence
– Identify opportunities for improvement
– Develop training resources

No results found.

Related Units of Competency

303 Identify
Risks and use risk profiling tools

308 Monitor
And develop ongoing risk reporting processes

309 Provide
Recommendations for corrective action with supporting rationale