310: Develop business continuity plans

Business continuity planning (BCP) is the process of ensuring that a company is robust regarding its ability to respond to and recover from potential threats. This plan ensures that workers and organizational resources are protected and able to respond appropriately in the event of a disaster. It is important to be able to understand and facilitate the integration of occupational health risk management into the wider OHS management systems. OHS professionals can support the delivery of the organization’s well-being agenda through collaboration with others to develop business continuity plans which support the ongoing process of developing workplace safety. In order to act as an effective resource to the organization, an OHS professional should be familiar with aspects of business continuity plans such as:

– Emergency preparedness
– Knowledge management in the face of worker turnover
– Training and education of new or newly promoted workers, managers, and executives
– Implementation of and evaluation of emergency response plans



References in Other Frameworks


Understand and Remember

– Different types of business continuity plans
– Succession planning
– The requirements and goals of business continuity plans, such as:
– Communications system integrity
– Document management and recovery
– Records keeping

Apply and Analyze

– Create an action plan according to the specification of an existing business continuity plan
– Follow business continuity plan processes
– Provide worker training
– Manage emergency preparation drills

Evaluate and Create

– Evaluate the adequacy of an existing business continuity plan
– Identify areas of excellence
– Identify opportunities for improvement
– Develop a new business continuity plan or adapt in response to changes in the workplace context

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Related Units of Competency

301 Demonstrate
Understanding of the psychological aspects of worker safety
303 Identify
Risks and use risk profiling tools

308 Monitor
And develop ongoing risk reporting processes

309 Provide
Recommendations for corrective action with supporting rationale