108: Evaluate engineering and physical barrier controls

An OHS professional should demonstrate thorough understanding of the principles of engineering and barrier controls. Beyond the ongoing maintenance of controls, an OHS professional should demonstrate the ability to evaluate engineering and barrier controls which an organization has in place, identifying areas for improvement, as well as areas of excellence.

This includes engineering and barrier controls that impact the ability of workers to safely perform their tasks, for example:

– Types of barriers (machinery guarding, access control, separation, containment, work skills, etc.)
– Roles and limitations of barriers
– Control maintenance requirements
– Implications of engineering and barrier controls on operational processes



References in Other Frameworks


Understand and Remember

– Relevant legislation, regulations, guidelines and standards that pertain to engineering and physical barrier controls
– Different types of engineering and physical barrier controls

Apply and Analyze

– Communicate results or recommendations from an engineering or physical barrier control assessment
– Implement recommendations for improvements to engineering or physical barrier controls
– Provide training in the adherence to engineering and physical barrier controls
– Conduct a training needs analysis
– Provide recommendations for corrective action

Evaluate and Create

– Evaluate existing engineering and physical barrier controls
– Identify opportunities for improvement
– Identify areas of excellence
– Develop appropriate engineering and physical barrier control programs
– Evaluate training processes
– Evaluate rules and procedures with consideration for factors affecting procedural compliance

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