407: Evaluate OHS incident management procedures

OHS professionals are usually involved in workplace incident management procedures. Incident management procedures enable organizations to effectively and consistently respond to OHS incidents in a way that meets their legal requirements and supports workers. In order to act as an effective resource in this area, an OHS professional should demonstrate a thorough understanding of the legislation, regulations, and standards that pertain to incident management.

In addition to understanding important concepts, an OHS professional should be able to work effectively in potentially high-responsibility, time-sensitive scenarios.



References in Other Frameworks


Understand and Remember

– Legislative and regulatory requirements regarding organizational first aid and access to emergency services
– Workers rights legislation related to workplace incidents

Apply and Analyze

– Identify which measures are required for the workplace based on evaluations of emergency response and exposure control plans
– Assess the risk rating on potential emergency scenarios and access to emergency services
– Implement and manage services and programs
– Collect data for use in trending analyses

Evaluate and Create

– Evaluate existing incident management procedures
– Develop new incident management procedures or adapt procedures in response to change in context

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Related Units of Competency

401 Demonstrate
Understanding of the legal implications of incident management
402 Identify
The appropriate principles and actions associated with incident management
406 Conduct
Incident investigations and provide recommendations for corrective action