206: Evaluate psychological hazard controls

In the context of OHS, psychological hazards are those events or circumstances which stem from the workplace and have the potential to negatively impact worker health and well-being in a non-physical manner. Psychological safety requires addressing the root causes of psychological hazards in the workplace in order to avert injury or danger to the degree that it is within the influence and responsibility of the employer. In order to act as an effective resource in this context, the OHS professional must demonstrate an understanding of the tools and resources available to mitigate psychological health risks and to evaluate the controls in place.



References in Other Frameworks

IOSH: 2.8

Understand and Remember

– Relevant legislation, regulations, guidelines and standards that pertain to psychological health and safety
– Right to dignity
– Bullying and harassment
– Types of psychological hazards

Apply and Analyze

– Identify psychological hazards in the workplace
– Identify controls appropriate for hazards
– Implement appropriate controls
– Utilize Guarding minds at work
– Utilize the Standard for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace

Evaluate and Create

– Evaluate the results of a psychological health and safety quality improvement process
– Identify areas of excellence
– Identify opportunities for improvement
– Develop a psychological health and safety quality improvement process

No results found.

Related Units of Competency

201 Demonstrate
Understanding of the Standard for Psychological Health & Safety in the Workplace
202 Demonstrate
Understanding of workplace factors that influence worker well-being
204 Communicate
And apply strategies and practices to improve psychological health and safety in the workplace
207 Implement
Strategies and practices to improve organizational culture and climate