
Make it Safe Magazine
The digital OHS magazine for manufacturers and food processors In this issue Editorial OHS professionals need skills today to help protect workers from the risks

Preparing for an extended power outage in the plant
In a power outage due to extreme weather or a natural disaster such as a wildfire, you may have to activate your emergency response plan.

OSSE Ongoing: Staying the Course
Occupational Safety Standard of Excellence (OSSE/COR) certification is a major achievement in establishing an effective health and safety program. But OSSE certification is not a one-time endeavour.

Health and safety for small businesses
Regardless of size – protecting worker on the job is the right thing to do In a small business, an employer often wears many hats,

Emergency Response planning
Why planning for a “someday situation” better equips you to tackle challenges today by Lisa Thibault Earthquakes, forest fires, flooding, and viral outbreaks are just a few of the potential emergency scenarios we face in British

What’s Changing in Step 3 of the BC Restart for Employers
New WorkSafeBC guidance for employers as we prepare to enter Step 3 of the BC Restart Plan.