Manufacturing Safety Alliance of BC
Hazard ID and risk management

Every workplace has many hazards to be identified, assessed, and controlled. It is important to identify all hazards in the workplace and evaluate the risks associated with these hazards to lower the risk of injury and property damage.

An effective hazard ID program should include how you will identify hazards and conduct risk assessments. It should also address:

  • Roles and responsibilities of those involved in hazard identification
  • How your company will use the information
  • Training for employed involved in risk assessment
  • Regular review of the program
Basic Training
Available by e-Learning
An occupational health and safety (OHS) program is a plan of action designed to prevent accidents and occupational diseases. Small employers with 19 or fewer employees learn the basic principles, concepts and tools necessary to develop and implement an OHS program at their workplace via this online course.
Available by e-LearningAvailable Virtually by Video ConferenceInstructor-Led Classroom Training
A hazard identification and control program is a systematic approach to identifying and analyzing workplace hazards in an effort to mitigate risk of injuries and occupational disease. This course will provide employees, managers, supervisors and JHSCs working in BC’s manufacturing industry with tools and a basic understanding of hazard recognition, risk assessments, and control methods.
Instructor-Led Classroom Training
5S is an inexpensive approach that pays large dividends in safety and workplace mental health as well as productivity and profitability. The Lean manufacturing methodology minimizes waste within production systems while simultaneously maximizing productivity. Register now for the next dates: March 14, 2025 in Nanaimo.
Available by e-LearningAvailable Virtually by Video ConferenceInstructor-Led Classroom Training
The 8-hour Joint Health and Safety Committees (JHSC) training is required for all new members of a JHSC and new Worker Representatives. It is applicable for any B.C. employer in any industry.
Available by e-Learning
In some workplaces, there will be times when workers will be working alone or in isolation. This course offers training on the risks associated with working alone and the best practices to protect lone workers in various types of scenarios.
Hazard ID and risk management Resources and Tools
Collaborative robots, or cobots, are changing the way traditional manufacturing operations work—and can be a significant tool in eliminating hazardous and repetitive tasks that put workers at greater risk of injury. But implementing a collaborative also changes the risk profile for the workspace and jobs they are designed to assist. Risk assessment is a critical […]
Every day we encounter hazards. Some are easily identified but others may be difficult to identify. A hazard is something that puts a worker at risk of injury or occupational disease. Hazards can also damage equipment and property, increase insurance premiums and lead to serious injury or death.
Quick Reference Card
A hazard is any work‐related condition or behavior that has the potential to cause injury, illness, property or environmental damage.
Explore Safety Meta World | Immersive Online Training Inspired by the effective use of simulators in high-risk jobs like pilots and surgeons and designed by industry experts, Safety Meta World is bringing immersive learning to the world of safety. With two courses launched and three more planned this summer, the Safety Meta World campus […]
News & Blog Articles
Safety Meta World trains workers on real situations in real time—without the risks of the real world. Today, the Manufacturing Safety Alliance of BC announces the launch of a new subsidiary, Safety Meta World. Safety Meta World is a leading-edge...
Who does this impact? WorkSafeBC has announced that in 2024, as part of their Planned Inspections Initiative, they will be focusing inspections on the following manufacturing classification units (CUs). Historically, workers in these CUs are at higher risk for serious injury....