About Covid-19 and support from the Manufacturing Safety Alliance of BC
WHMIS (Chinese-Simplified)教育 WHMIS (Chinese-Simplified) 您了解工作场所危险品信息系统(WHMIS)吗?如果您的工作场所有危险品(如化学品),那您需要按照《职业健康和安全条例》第5.6和5.7条的要求完成WHMIS培训和教育。 WHMIS培训和教育确保工人了解如何在工作场所安全使用、处理、储存和处置这些材料。本课程的设计考虑了WorkSafeBC对新成员培训的监管要求,适用于卑诗省的所有行业。 本课程旨在向学员介绍WHMIS系统的概况,包括法律、危害、象形图、标签、安全数据表 (SDS) 和WHMIS项目的要求。 “WHMIS教育”在线学习课程的目的是向在工作场所使用、储存和处理化学品的工人介绍WHMIS项目的基本要素(危害分类、安全数据表、标签)。 先修课程 有健康与安全教育和/或经验是一项优势,但并非必须。 课程主题 WHMIS是什么? 危险品如何分类 象形图 标签 安全数据表 将WHMIS付诸实践 学习目标 课程结束时,您应该能够: 识别WHMIS的目的和要素 认识角色与责任 分析与WHMIS相关的法律 区分危险类别和象形图,以确定危险品的严重程度或性质 认识供应商和工作场所标签的必要组成部分 识别安全数据表的16个部分,以评估其在确保工人健康和安全方面的重要性 识别雇主和工人在实施WHMIS项目中的角色 目标受众 本课程的受众广泛,包括任何行业的一线工人、主管和经理。根据《职业健康与安全条例》第5.3 条的规定,在工作场所使用、储存或处理危险产品的所有雇主和工人都必须参加本课程。 最适合: 一线工人 维修工人 清洁和卫生工人 仓库工人 使用或处理危险材料的任何级别的工人 – 来自任何规模的组织和任何行业 经理 主管 联合健康与安全委员会成员或工人健康与安全代表 课程时长和形式 完成本在线学习课程大约需要1个小时。理想情况下,应一次性完成,但也不一定非要一次性完成,因为它会跟踪您的学习进度。 评估和结业 学员需要完成全部2个课程内容(学习内容和测验),才能下载结业证书。 学员无需一次性完成全部课程,因为课程形式是自定进度,使得学员可以从上次停止的地方继续。 其它相关课程 WHMIS培训员培训 呼吸防护 危害识别与控制 附加信息 本课程有西班牙语版!/ ¡Este curso […]
WHMIS (Chinese-Traditional)教育 WHMIS (Chinese-Traditional) 你知道職場危害物料資訊系統 (WHMIS) 嗎?如果你的工作場所具有危險產品,例如化學品,那麼你需要根據職業健康與安全條例 (OHSR) 5.6 和 5.7 的要求完成 WHMIS 培訓和教育。 WHMIS 培訓和教育確保工人了解如何在工作場所安全使用、處理、儲存和處置這些材料。本課程是根據 WorkSafeBC 對新成員培訓的監管要求設計的,並適用於所有 BC 省的行業。 本課程的目標是為學員提供 WHMIS 系統的概述,包括法律法規、危害、圖示、標籤、安全數據表 (SDS) 以及 WHMIS 計劃要求。 WHMIS 教育電子學習課程的目的是向參與使用、儲存和處理工作場所化學品的工人介紹 WHMIS 計劃的基本要素(危害分類、安全數據表、標籤)。 先決條件 先前的健康與安全教育和/或經驗是優勢,但不是必需的。 課程主題 什麼是 WHMIS? 危險產品如何分類 圖示 標籤 安全數據表 (SDS) 將 WHMIS 付諸實踐 學習目標 在本課程結束時,你應該能夠: 確定 WHMIS 的目的和要素 認識角色和責任 分析與 WHMIS 相關的法律法規 區分危害類別和圖示,以確定危險產品的嚴重性或性質 認得供應商和工作場所標籤的必要組成部分 […]
Dust Hazard AnalysisIn this comprehensive, two-day course, learn to complete a Dust Hazard Analysis for your organization to meet the requirements of NFPA 652 and the updated B.C. Combustible Dust regulation. Register now for the next dates: April 10-11, 2025 in Kelowna.
COVID-19 safety planAs our knowledge of the COVID-19 virus grows, we need to review our COVID-19 Safety Plan to ensure that it remains effective and relevant to protect our workplaces and communities. Use this checklist as a guide to help strengthen your plan.
Working Alone or In IsolationIn some workplaces, there will be times when workers will be working alone or in isolation. This course offers training on the risks associated with working alone and the best practices to protect lone workers in various types of scenarios.
Corporate MembersCorporate Member If you are a manufacturer or food/beverage processor in one of the industry classification units (CUs) listed below, you are already a Corporate Member of the Manufacturing Safety Alliance of BC and entitled to full member benefits. Don’t see your classification unit? Contact us to find out whether your CU is aligned with the Manufacturing […]
TrainingYour One-Stop Health and Safety Training PartnerChoose instructor-led training (a public class, private classes onsite or virtually—or convenient elearning courses online. Search the full training catalogue on this page, or click to see upcoming in-person and virtual classes.See Upcoming Classes Health and safety training catalog Book the health and safety training you need—for yourself, your […]
Make It Safe 2024 Media KitPartners In Safety Media Kit for Partners Everything you need to share the news about Make It Safe 2025! Make It Safe 2025: People, Planet, and Profit will connect industry leaders, safety and HR professionals, safety committee members, students, and experts from around the world, building community and knowledge. Join us—and use this kit to help reach more […]
New Year’s Training PromotionGet a head start on your training plans with 20% off private training classes. Members save 20% off ALL private training classes booked before February 28 for all 2025 classes dates. Book a class
BCCDC COVID-19 Checklist for Processing FacilitiesThis checklist is to guide processors and inspectors in evaluating COVID-19 control programs in processing facilities. Refer to the Guidance on reducing the risk of COVID-19 to workers in processing facilities for details.
Our PeopleOur People The Manufacturing Safety Alliance of BC staff is made up of highly motivated safety professionals supported by team members with occupational health and safety experience. The team is dedicated to working with industry to reduce injuries and make BC workplaces the safest in Canada. Lisa McGuire Chief Executive Officer Founder and CEO, Lisa […]