mental health

Reach Centre BC – Virtual Care ServicesThis is a free virtual counselling service available to employees in the Lower Mainland BC region. The counselling sessions are covered by MSP and can aid in generall well-being and mental health problems. In order to start the process, you first have to book an appointment at 604-216-3134.
Supportive Counselling for AdultsThis is a free counselling service offered on Vancouver Island and is suited for employees who seek help coping with anxiety, depression, trauma, safety, abuse, stress, hopelessness, grief, and isolation. The service is administered by volunteer counsellors who have undertaken an extensive 10 month training program and are committed to offering 200 hours of volunteer […]
South Island CounsellingThis is a low cost counselling services for employees residing on Vancouver Island. The counselling service cost is on a sliding scale from $35 to $130, depending on the salary of the individual seeking the service. It engulfs a number of approaches, including cognitive behavioural therapy, mindfulness based practises, and dialectical behavioural skills therapy. The […]
Bullying in the WorkplaceThis e-course on Workplace Bullying offers comprehensive insights into recognizing, understanding, and preventing bullying behaviors. Priced at $49.00 CAD for a single seat with 90 days’ access, the one-hour course covers topics such as defining bullying, its effects, prevention strategies, risk removal, and control measures. Participants will gain the ability to identify signs of bullying, […]
Beyond the mask – life after the pandemicby Andrea McKinlay Exploring the psychological experience of taking off our masks.   While many of us dream of the day we can step into a mask-less future, the thought of discarding them for good is a source of anxiety for others. For many, the mask has become a rule of engagement during the pandemic in many everyday scenarios. Masks are […]
The impact of crisis on workplace mental health and business sustainabilityPandemics, fires, heat waves, and floods. Since the beginning of 2020, British Columbia has experienced an unprecedented series of disasters  – from a global pandemic to a record-breaking heatwave that resulted in hundreds of deaths, an extreme wildfire season, and now catastrophic flooding impacting homes, businesses, and transportation routes. While these events have had immediate […]
BounceBackBounceBack® is a free skill-building program designed to help adults and youth 15+ manage low mood, mild to moderate depression, anxiety, stress or worry. Delivered online or over the phone with a coach, you will get access to tools that will support you on your path to mental wellness.
Mental Health and Human Rights – Part 1: Challenging StigmaUnfortunately, due to stigma and unfair stereotypes about mental illness, it can be difficult for people to speak up about their mental health. It can be a lot easier to share that you have a physical illness, an injury, or some other form of physical disability than it is to disclose that you’re going through a mental health crisis.
Tailgate ToolkitThe Tailgate Toolkit Project is an innovative program aimed at increasing access to harm reduction services and ideas for those working in the construction industry.