Training and Education

Emergency Response Awareness (Chinese-Simplified)

应急响应意识 Emergency Response Awareness (Chinese- Simplified) 紧急情况可随时随地发生,可大可小,发生原因可能是自然灾害、气候变化或人为失误。在本入门课程中,了解在制造业和食品加工业中可能发生什么类型的紧急情况,更好地理解应急预案的重要性。本课程将帮助参与者明白紧急情况中他们需要做什么。 本课程将只讨论广义上的紧急情况,以及典型的应对措施。如果你需要帮助制定一个更有针对性的应对措施,请与我们联系以获得建议。 目标和目的 在本课程结束时,参与者应该: 了解紧急情况的定义 认识为什么他们需要做好准备 调查如果他们没有为工作中的紧急情况做好准备会发生什么 了解制造业中可能发生的不同类型的紧急情况 了解应对紧急情况的基础知识 了解应急响应计划的目的 主题 紧急情况的定义 紧急情况的不同类型 紧急情况的典型应对措施 应急预案/li> 对象 新员工和希望在工作场所入职培训的OHS部分得到支持的人力资源经理 工人 主管

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Emergency Response Awareness (Chinese-Traditional)

緊急應變意識 Emergency Response Awareness (Chinese-Traditional) 緊急情況可能隨時隨地發生。它們可大可小,由於自然災害、氣候變化或人為錯誤而發生。在本入門課程中,大家會學到製造和食品加工中可能發生的各種緊急情況,並更好地瞭解應急計劃的重要性。本課程將幫助參與者瞭解他們在緊急情況下需要做什麼。 本課程將只會討論廣義上的緊急情況以及典型的回應措施。如果您需要幫助制定更有針對性的回應,請聯繫我們以獲取建議。 課程目標和目的 在本課程結束時,參與者應該: 了解緊急情況的定義 認識為什麼他們需要做好準備 調查如果他們沒有為工作中的緊急情況做好準備會發生什麼 了解製造業可能發生的不同類型的緊急情況 了解應對緊急情況的基礎知識 了解緊急應變計畫的目的 主題 緊急情況的定義 不同類型的緊急情況 對緊急情況的典型回應措施 應急計劃 課程對象 新員工以及人力資源經理,他們想在入職培訓計劃中職業健康與安全(OHS)這個部分獲得一些支援。 員工 主管 經理

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Emergency Response Awareness (Punjabi)

ਐਮਰਜੈਂਸੀ ਪ੍ਰਤੀਕਿਰਿਆ ਜਾਗਰੂਕਤਾ Emergency Response Awareness (Punjabi) ਐਮਰਜੰਸੀਆਂ ਕਦੇ ਵੀ ਅਤੇ ਕਿੱਥੇ ਵੀ ਆ ਸਕਦੀਆਂ ਹਨ। ਉਹ ਵੱਡੀਆਂ ਜਾਂ ਛੋਟੀਆਂ ਹੋ ਸਕਦੀਆਂ ਹਨ ਅਤੇ ਉਹ

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New and upcoming training opportunities

New and upcoming New safety training options for your workplace New online courses   Introduction to Fatigue Management  This new online course explores the risks associated with workplace fatigue, particularly

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Industrial Storage RackingYour storage racking system can influence productivity throughout the entire logistics chain. Steel storage racks are common equipment in industries such as distribution centres, warehouses, manufacturing plants, and the storage area of retail operations. This workshop for managers, supervisors, inspection teams, and workers, identifies inherent hazards associated with storage racks and provides best practices for effective installation, maintenance and repair to prevent incidents, injuries, lost time and unforeseen expenses.
Small Employer OHS FundamentalsSmall Employer OHS Fundamentals is designed to introduce small employers to occupational health and safety fundamentals. Under the law, small employers have a role and responsibility to protect their workers from injury and illness on the job. This course will outline the roles and responsibilities of everyone in the workplace along with health and safety regulations in British Columbia.
WHMIS EducationThe Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) education course provides essential training on the safe handling, storage, and disposal of hazardous materials in the workplace.
Radiation AwarenessThis online course introduces the concepts of radiation and radiation safety to people who work in environments where radiation is used and for anyone wanting basic knowledge on the subject. It defines radiation and creates a better understanding of its impacts within the manufacturing and food processing sectors, and to recognize radiation regulatory bodies.
Respiratory ProtectionThis awareness level course will introduce learners to how respiratory protection is used, inspected, and maintained in the workplace. This is a basic awareness course to help learners better understand how to protect their health and safety.  This course does NOT qualify individuals to work in Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health (IDLH) environments. Additional […]
Principles of OHS ManagementAn occupational health and safety (OHS) program is a plan of action designed to prevent accidents and occupational diseases. This course will provide any employee within a company that is planning on building or sustaining an OHS program with essential information on legislative requirements and what an OHS program is. A health and safety program not only includes specific elements required by legislation but also relies on commitment, leadership and worker participation to achieve its outcomes.
Navigating BC OHS LegislationAs new or experienced safety committee members, managers, or supervisors, it is important to fully understand and know which OHS regulations are related to your work and how you may be in compliance—or not. This 45-minute self-paced course helps introduce people to information on how to identify and find the OHS legislation related their work—perfect […]
Mental Health Skill Building for WorkersIn this 45-minute, self-paced online course, workers learn to identify common signs and symptoms of mental health issues, to recognize stigma and reduce the impact. They learn practical strategies to respond to a co-worker experiencing a mental health issue.
Joint Health and Safety CommitteeThe 8-hour Joint Health and Safety Committees (JHSC) training is required for all new members of a JHSC and new Worker Representatives. It is applicable for any B.C. employer in any industry.
Mental Health AwarenessMental health is feeling good about who you are, having balance in your life, and managing life’s challenges. It is the responsibility of both employers and employees to protect and promote mental health in the workplace to ensure people are psychologically safe. For an introduction to the fundamentals of workplace mental health, start with this 1-hour online course.
Incident InvestigationAn effective and systematic incident investigation program is a key driver to the continuous improvement of your health and safety program, policies. This course will examine the purpose and outcomes of an incident investigation. JHSC members, managers, supervisors or employees will learn how to determine the cause or causes of incidents, to identify any related unsafe conditions or acts, and to recommend corrective actions to prevent similar incidents.
Fatigue Management | IntroductionFatigue is more than feeling tired and drowsy. Work fatigue is mental or physical exhaustion that reduces a person’s ability to work safely and effectively. This course explores fatigue-related risks in manufacturing, factors that influence fatigue, and solutions to mitigate the risks.