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COVID-19 update from WorkSafeBC

Expedited workplace closures – what employers can expect On April 11, 2021, an order of the provincial health officer (PHO) delegated specific powers to WorkSafeBC prevention

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COVID-19 vaccine news for BC food processors and manufacturers

Since mid-March, more than 20,000 essential workers at Alliance member companies have received their first immunizations. That initial priority campaign ended in late March. The health regions are waiting for direction from the province to determine whether, when, and how they may be able to resume priority immunization of production workers. We will continue to update you here as we learn more.

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Incident InvestigationAn effective and systematic incident investigation program is a key driver to the continuous improvement of your health and safety program, policies. This course will examine the purpose and outcomes of an incident investigation. JHSC members, managers, supervisors or employees will learn how to determine the cause or causes of incidents, to identify any related unsafe conditions or acts, and to recommend corrective actions to prevent similar incidents.
Hearing ConservationThis awareness level course will introduce learners to the importance of hearing conservation and how to protect themselves from hearing impairment.
Hazard Identification and ControlA hazard identification and control program is a systematic approach to identifying and analyzing workplace hazards in an effort to mitigate risk of injuries and occupational disease. This course will provide employees, managers, supervisors and JHSCs working in BC’s manufacturing industry with tools and a basic understanding of hazard recognition, risk assessments, and control methods.
Ergonomics 101Ergonomics is concerned with the “fit” between the user, equipment and environment. Ergonomics takes into account users’ capabilities and limitations to ensure tasks, functions, information and the environment suit each user. This course provides information to managers, supervisors and employees on proper ergonomic design to prevent repetitive strain injuries and other musculoskeletal disorders.
Ergonomics 102Ergonomic design is necessary to prevent repetitive strain injuries and other musculoskeletal disorders, which can develop over time and can lead to long-term disability. This course builds on the fundamentals of Ergonomics and assists managers, supervisors, and employees in implementing a musculoskeletal injuries/disorder reduction program.
Employee Safety OrientationFor new hires and HR managers, this online session provides an orientation to common workplace health and safety elements. Note: this course is meant to be used with a workplace orientation program. Available in 5 languages: English, Spanish, Punjabi, Mandarin, and Cantonese.
Emergency Response AwarenessExplore response to emergency situations that can be encountered in manufacturing. Gain a basic understanding of what to anticipate and expect when responding to an emergency. Available in English, Spanish, Punjabi, Mandarin, and Cantonese.
Developing a Safety Procedures ManualConsistent safety procedures foster safer working environments, reduce injury-related downtime, and boost productivity. This course will provide participants with the foundation needed to start writing safety procedures that are clear, concise, and practical for day-to-day use. 
Confined Space AwarenessThis course covers core elements of a confined space program and how to manage these spaces. It is designed to provide supervisors, entrants, and attendants with the knowledge required to understand confined spaces so they can plan and carry out necessary work safely. WorkSafeBC regulation requires any employer who has confined spaces to provide employees with awareness training
De-energization and LockoutFor workers and supervisors: understand what hazardous energy is and identify it in your workplace. Learn to apply the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations (OHSR) requirements for lockout and de-energization to prevent the release of hazardous energy to prevent injuries and property damage.
Combustible Dust: For Employers & ManagersDust found in manufacturing can be combustible. When fine dust particles catch fire in the air – the fire can spread quickly and even lead to an explosion. This online awareness course will provide you with the key principles and concepts for recognizing the hazards, unsafe conditions and preventive actions associated with combustible dust.
Combustible Dust for WorkersThis online awareness course will provide participants with the key principles and concepts for recognizing the hazards, unsafe conditions and preventive actions associated with combustible dust. Accurately identifying, assessing, and controlling combustible dust is an essential part of an occupational health and safety (OHS) program. Employees, contractors, or managers/supervisors with combustible dust in their workplace will be better prepared to control combustible dust hazards, develop safe work procedures, and prevent incidents and injuries.