COVID-19 Resources



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COVID-19 safety plan

As our knowledge of the COVID-19 virus grows, we need to review our COVID-19 Safety Plan to ensure that it remains effective and relevant to protect our workplaces and communities. Use this checklist as a guide to help strengthen your plan.


Risk assessments

A risk assessment should be completed to determine the controls required for protecting workers against hazards in the workplace. This also applies to COVID-19.


Working alone procedures

If a worker is working alone or in an isolated area, they should be monitored regularly. Depending on the risk level of their location, it can be hourly, every few hours, or at start and end of task.


Policy for returning travelers

Employees should always consider alternatives to travel e.g. teleconferences, video conferences, etc. When travel is deemed necessary, whether it be work-related or for personal reasons, employees are expected to follow procedures to limit the spread of any viral diseases in the workplace.