Government and Health & Safety Supports for BC Manufacturers and Food Processors

April 30th, 2020 9:30-10:30AM

Where can employers and employees turn for help doing essential business during this pandemic?

Join BC Minister of Labour Harry Bains, with Manufacturing Safety Alliance of BC CEO and Occupational Hygienist for a webinar and town hall discussion of government programs and health and safety supports for employers and employees.

In this webinar you will learn

  • What the government is doing to safeguard food processing and manufacturing businesses and employees to protect our province’s essential supply chain
  • What you need to know about financial supports and health and safety guidance for employers
  • Relief programs for employees facing illness, layoff, or necessary self-isolation
  • Essential controls to minimize risk in manufacturing and processing—and where to go for help

Presented By

Jasmine Kalsi MSC, OEH

Occupational Hygienist
Manufacturing Safety Alliance of BC

Hon. Harry Bains

Minister of Labour
Province of British Columbia

Craig Ogilvie

Vice President of Supply Chain
BC Tree Fruits

Lisa McGuire CRSP, ICD.D

Founder and Former CEO
Manufacturing Safety Alliance of BC

Upcoming Webinars

This webinar with WorkSafeBC will walk through the new implemented amendments to Part 5 of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations that focus on emergency response planning—specifically related to hazardous substances. During this session, they will review these changes, what it means, and provide guidance on how to implement these changes. We will also share what supports and resources the Alliance can provide you as you update your emergency response plans to meet these changes.

Past Webinars