Employment Law Q&A: Vaccines, People and Policy

April 8th, 2021 11:00-12:00PM

As COVID-19 vaccines roll-out across Canada and new vaccines become available here in BC, many employers want to know their rights and responsibilities when it comes to vaccinating their employees.

The opportunity to vaccinate employees provides relief from the risks of a potential COVID-19 outbreak in the workplace. Still, the conflict between individual rights and freedoms and an employer’s obligation to create a safe workplace raises many questions about employee vaccination.

In this webinar you will learn

  • Mandating the vaccine – vaccination as a term of employment
  • Record keeping and “proof” of vaccination
  • Responsibility when an employee has an adverse vaccine reaction
  • How to manage employees who refuse vaccination
  • Developing a COVID-19 vaccine policy
  • Protecting employee privacy

Presented By

Norm Keith B.A., J.D., LLM., CRSP


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