From Compliance to Prevention: Changes to BC’s OHS Regulations on Combustible Dust

July 25th, 2024 10:00-11:30AM

If your operations create dust, the new WorkSafeBC updates to combustible regulations could impact you!

Combustible dust is any fine material that can catch fire and explode. Dust from many materials is combustible—including grains, flour, sugar, cornstarch, wood, metals, textiles, and plastics. Given the proper conditions, dust even from materials that do not burn in other forms (i.e. aluminum or iron) can ignite.

The changes to the combustible dust regulations will require employers to take on a broader responsibility to ensure you have adequate health and safety programs in place to manage combustible dust. In this webinar, find out about the upcoming changes to the OHS regulations: why they are needed, and what they mean for industries in B.C.

In this webinar you will learn

  • Understand what regulatory updates are being made to the OHS Regulation on combustible dust
  • Gain insight into the timeline for when these changes will come into effect
  • Learn about the resources and services available to help you build an effective combustible dust management program

» Resources and Training: Combustible Dust

Presented By

Rodney Scollard

Senior Policy and Legal Advisor

Mike Tasker

Occupational Safety Officer, Prevention Field Services

Heidi Hare CRSP

Senior Safety Advisor
Manufacturing Safety Alliance of BC

Upcoming Webinars

This webinar with WorkSafeBC will walk through the new implemented amendments to Part 5 of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations that focus on emergency response planning—specifically related to hazardous substances. During this session, they will review these changes, what it means, and provide guidance on how to implement these changes. We will also share what supports and resources the Alliance can provide you as you update your emergency response plans to meet these changes.

Past Webinars