Harassment and Bullying in the Workplace

February 22nd, 2023 2:00-3:00PM

This webinar will help workers, health and safety professionals, supervisors, and managers better understand how to identify and respond to incidents of bullying and harassment.

Workplace bullying and harassment—intended or not—can create a poisonous work environment that negatively impacts productivity. Workers targeted by bullies may be anxious coming to work, and bullying can also affect a person’s ability to respond and assess risk appropriately. Bullying can increase the costs of violence-related injuries, disrupt work, and decrease morale. 

Harassment is a form of discrimination that results in a worker being intimidated, demeaned, humiliated, or belittled based on characteristics of groups protected under the Canadian Human Rights Act – sex, race, sexual orientation, religion, and age to name a few. If it is not addressed promptly and effectively, it can impact relationships with employees and damage your reputation with your customers and clients. It can also affect your ability to attract new talent to your team. 

This webinar will help workers, health and safety professionals, supervisors, and managers better understand how to identify and respond to incidents of bullying and harassment. 

In this webinar you will learn

  • How to better understand what is bullying and harassment in the workplace 
  • What are your responsibilities around harassment and bullying 
  • Strategies and solutions to mitigate and minimize harassment and bullying 

Make It Safe Expert Series

Presented By

Dr. Steve Conway PsyD MBA

Director of Leadership and Psychological Safety
Manufacturing Safety Alliance of BC

Upcoming Webinars

Mental health and stress-related accommodations and strategies and pathways for supporting successful return to work after a mental health leave—and for handling mental health-related impacts of physical injuries and illness on return to work.

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