Workplace Design to Prevent Injuries: Addressing challenges in the new normal

June 30th, 2020 9:30-10:30AM

How are the changes you’re making in your facility to prevent the spread of COVID-19 affecting employees in their workday?

Changes in staffing, employee screening, and work-from-home policies can have unintended effects as employees have to adapt. And in production or service environments, physical barriers and personal protective equipment intended to protect against transmission of COVID-19 can introduce a new set of risks with MSI injuries, fatigue, and mental health impacts.

Join us Tuesday, June 30, for advice from expert presenters: Dr. Angela Eykelbosh, Environmental Health Scientist at the BCCDC and National Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health, and Dr. Era Poddar, Ergonomics Specialist at the Manufacturing Safety Alliance of BC.

  • How to recognize the risks you may be introducing into your production environment with new COVID-19 controls and processes
  • Interrupting COVID-19 transmission with physical barriers; the reasoning, requirements, and unintended consequences
  • How to address design flaws in production line configurations
  • How to assess space requirements for workers on the production line
  • Steps you can take to reduce the risk of fatigue and MSIs

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