Using 5S to Build Safer Workplaces

June 13th, 2023 1:00-2:00PM

5S is an inexpensive approach that pays large dividends in safety and workplace mental health as well as productivity and profitability.

The Lean manufacturing methodology minimizes waste within production systems while simultaneously maximizing productivity. Lean and 5S encourages a business to be clean and organized; making work easier—and safer. Today, it is practiced faithfully by scores of Fortune 500 companies—from Boeing to Caterpillar and beyond.  

In this webinar with a Lean Master Black Belt, learn some of the basics of 5S and how it can positively impact your health and safety performance. Take away strategies and learn more about how to implement 5S into your business. 

 Make It Safe Expert Series

In this webinar you will learn

  • A better understanding of what is 5S and how to implement it into your business 
  • Additional insight into how 5S works—and how you can leverage it to improve health and safety 
  • How 5S and Lean Manufacturing work together to improve productivity while keeping teams safer 

Presented By

Bruce Ennis

Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt & Process Improvement Guru
Manufacturing & Export Enhancement (MEE) Cluster

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Mental health and stress-related accommodations and strategies and pathways for supporting successful return to work after a mental health leave—and for handling mental health-related impacts of physical injuries and illness on return to work.

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