The business and social case for managing driving risks

March 18th, 2021 11:00-12:00PM

Driving may be one of the riskiest things you ask your employees to do…

Employers are legally obligated to ensure employees are safe at work, including in any vehicle they drive while on the job. And yet, one-third of traumatic workplace fatalities (2015-19) were due to motor vehicle crashes. The management team plays a key role in effectively addressing this challenge.

In this webinar you will learn

  • Why road safety should be an integrated component of your overall safety program
  • Senior management’s role in developing and maintaining a road safety culture
  • The financial and practical costs of failing to have an effective road safety program
  • How to start or improve your firm’s road safety program

Webinar Q&A

Technology that is available today is incredible. Observations made by the owners of a large courier company who have implemented back up cameras and cameras in the cabs. They found a tremendous benefit, but they also did a lot of work in training, education and deciding how and when the cameras would be implemented. Continuous follow up throughout the process. It is a sensitive issue, but done properly it has tremendous positive results. Louise would be happy to take this conversation off line for further conversation.
If they are on their personal time (commuting - is not considered part of work), if they are truly free to spend their lunch as they see fit, and not working, than that would be a personal incident.
Employees are starting to ask for material that can be used by employees that drive, and that is something we are in the process of delivering. We did a review of the people taking our courses and webinars, and there seems to be a real interest from workers and employers who drive to do so. They are signing up and we are seeing more completing the courses. There is material on our website that is helpful for those driving and we'll be sharing that with you all soon.
It was an all out effort and was identified as a priority for the country; political buy in, bureaucrats with public safety campaigns, educational campaigns for drivers, employers, pedestrians and the general public were all involved. Rules of the road changed and that required leadership and buy in a large scale. They have seen positive and steady results, but that again is due to the all in mentality from the top down. Change can happen.
ICBC's website contains information about required vehicle insurance , which is called "basic" insurance in BC. Information about insurance for commercial vehicles or fleets is available here. There are other considerations such as whether you're driving your vehicle for work purposes for more than a specified number of days. ICBC's basic insurance is changing as of May 1, 2021 so it's best for you to consult a licensed ICBC broker. If your question is about commercial vehicle insurance, make sure to ask whether the broker you're dealing with has experience in this area.
For information on vehicles that are restricted to incidental operations on the road, click here. The Motor Vehicle Act Regulations provides information on slow moving vehicles on the roads. See Division 7B. When operating a slow-moving vehicle on the highways, follow all the rules that would apply to all vehicles. The vehicle operator, however, should be particularly careful of his/her surroundings and other traffic since other drivers may be impatient and attempt unsafe driving maneuvers.

Presented By

Louise Yako

Program Director
Road Safety at Work

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