Workplace Design to Prevent Injuries: Addressing challenges in the new normal

June 30th, 2020 9:30-10:30AM

How are the changes you’re making in your facility to prevent the spread of COVID-19 affecting employees in their workday?

Changes in staffing, employee screening, and work-from-home policies can have unintended effects as employees have to adapt. And in production or service environments, physical barriers and personal protective equipment intended to protect against transmission of COVID-19 can introduce a new set of risks with MSI injuries, fatigue, and mental health impacts.

Join us Tuesday, June 30, for advice from expert presenters: Dr. Angela Eykelbosh, Environmental Health Scientist at the BCCDC and National Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health, and Dr. Era Poddar, Ergonomics Specialist at the Manufacturing Safety Alliance of BC.

In this webinar you will learn

  • How to recognize the risks you may be introducing into your production environment with new COVID-19 controls and processes
  • Interrupting COVID-19 transmission with physical barriers; the reasoning, requirements, and unintended consequences
  • How to address design flaws in production line configurations
  • How to assess space requirements for workers on the production line
  • Steps you can take to reduce the risk of fatigue and MSIs

Presented By

Angela Eykelbosh MSc, PhD

Environmental Research Scientist
BC Centre for Disease Control and National Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health

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